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Our Mission

Our mission is to provide alternatives to single use plastic products, where possible, by prioritising the use of plant-based materials.
 We strive to choose socially and ethically responsible manufacturing partners and create circular solutions. 

We Reduce the Need for Virgin Plastics 

Whether tackling single use plastic nappies, petroleum-based wetsuits or single use plastic coffee products our brands are connected together by materially reducing the need for plastic.


760 tonnes

Virgin plastic prevented from entering the ecosystems a year


Single-use plastic bottles prevented from entering the ocean a year 

biodegradable nappy - Ecoriginals

We Remove & Recycle Plastic From the Environment 

We remove plastic from beaches and local communities that are impacted by plastic waste.  In addition, we partner with other third parties such as Plastic Bank in the collection and generation of social plastic which can be recycled into other products.

80,502 kg 

Plastic waste collected in vulnerable coastal communities 


Plastic bottles prevented from entering the ocean a year 


Communities positively impacted via our partnership

Our Plastic Mapping Tool 

While our goal is to eliminate plastic completely, sometimes this is not possible (yet). We have developed extensive tools on calculating plastic usage and have built offsetting tools which we offer to other third parties.

If you have a brand that fits our goals or want to learn more about plastic offsetting; then please contact Think Better Group.

Schedule a Consultation
Think Better Group - Plastic Mapping Tool
End-of-life solutions

We Provide End-of-Life Solutions

We are working together with specialised partners worldwide to address end-of-life solutions.

Whether that is from our coffee roaster business Colonna Coffee, working with Podback, allowing UK customers a free, straightforward, and effective method of recycling their coffee capsules. In our wetsuit business Project Blank, we are partnering up with Upparel to offer an innovative way to upcycle its customers old rubber.

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Our Strategy

At Think Better Group our mission is to build an ecosystem to provide solutions to single use plastics.

We prioritise the use of plant-based materials, focus on the remove plastic from our products, and strive to choose socially and ethically responsible manufacturing partners and create circular solutions. 

Plastic Reduction

• Measure, minimise and offset plastic footprint. 
• Where possible eliminate new virgin plastic. 
• Innovative and renewable materials. 
• Increase durability and longevity of products 
• Traceability and transparency. 

Plastic Circularity

• Focus on products which recycle plastic

• Address product packaging
• Design with focus on circular end of life and recycling

Plastic Removal in Communities

• Enhance the wellbeing of communities that are impact by plastics 
• Fair labour: wages, equality, health and safety 
• Ethical supply chain 


Measuring footprints

Each product made and sold contributes to greenhouse gases in its manufacture, materials and distribution. We measure each product’s impact by calculating the C0² generated during manufacture, distribution and shipping.

Before we can reduce, the first step is accurately measuring our impact:

What We're Measuring
Product material content percentage
Product Material Content
(Material %)
Product energy content
Product Energy Content
(g Co2 Carbon)
Distribution kilometers travelled
Distribution - km Travelled
(g CO2 / item )
Measuring footprints
Think Better Group - Be Better

Improving materials

Wherever possible we eliminate plastic and materials harmful to the environment. We increase plant-based, recycled and recyclable materials in products and packaging. Our drive for circularity means that we try to reuse materials wherever possible or, if we have to create something new; we make sure it can be recycled, re-purposed or composted.

Materials and Packaging
Greener materials

Greener Materials
We work  with manufacturers and suppliers to identify greener material options. For key commodities, we identify sustainability benchmarks.

Greener materials

We source and design environmentally responsible packaging and reduce unnecessary packaging wherever possible. We work closely with suppliers and partner-brands to develop more eco-friendly choices as standard.

Facilitating Offsets

Facilitating offsets

In combination with reducing our CO2 production; we have introduced carbon offsetting tools to address the remaining footprint. Working with customer-facing offset providers we provide accurate data on carbon/plastic impact of individual and cumulative transactions.

In response we make an equivalent donation to an environmental and community-friendly project; neutralising the C0² impact of manufacture and distribution.

Our Customer Offset Tools
Tracking of cumulative offsets by customer
Tracking of cumulative offsets by customer
Analytics on total carbon offset
Analytics on total carbon offset
Choose offset projects
Choose offset projects

Addressing product end-of-life

Think Better Group rethink products and processes from beginning, right through to the end of their life. From consumable components like coffee pods, filter cartridges or packaging, through to the item itself. Changing designs, materials and waste procedures to promote circularity and sustainability.

How We’re Addressing Product end-of-life
Innovate around product design

Innovate around product design
Invent and develop products that eliminate ‘throw-away culture’ and are designed to last.

Recycling systems and developing new channels

Recycling systems and developing new channels
Choose recyclable materials and build relationships with niche recycling facilities.

Develop solutions with partners

Develop solutions with partners
Hold suppliers to account and support all partners to develop solutions to sustainability concerns.

Investing in communities

Our success is everyone’s success. We support community initiatives across the varied industries of our brands. From supporting reforestation projects, coffee growing communities, ocean clean-ups and community recycling facilities; we support equitable progress in communities all over the world.

Investing in communities

Get in touch

Think Better Group is enabling brands to move to a new level in product development and success across multiple markets. Get in touch if you're interested in partnering with us.

Contact us